kk, first thing that comes to my mind. National day!! i know 9th aug gone very long already, but onlly now then i find the time to blog. yeah
went to the padang to watch fireworks, and fireworks only. and also the airoplane fly-by. took some quite cool pics.
i think this national day was more of a sucess than others. for one, there was no super long mass display to bore people out. and the military show of force was uber cool.
apaches fly here fly there. then the jets fly past. woohoo.
woah. the guy that organise this event, by next year sure kena major promotion one.
kk, national day over. now for a isolated event that happened one day.
1. cedric bully granny
2. cedric and granny fight
3. people training stare at them.
4. cedric and granny stop fighting.
5. cedric sit down on chair with granny beside him
the stage is set. suddenly, granny decides to flick cedric. but granny misses.... granny hits cedrics eye
the sound it makes is amazing...like abit of 'piak' and abit of 'plop'. followed shortly by a SQUAWK... then chicky dies...
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